Helen of Troy Moisturizing Stick (Wrinkle Serum)
Helen of Troy Moisturizing Stick (Wrinkle Serum)
Helen of Troy - AKA “Wrinkle Stick” Our little miracle in a tube. Available in three different sizes, small lip balm, large balm dispenser and one ounce tin. You’ll want all three of these fabulous treats to have since it’s such a versatile balm. Helen of Troy is packed full of over 15 different anti-aging, cell rejuvenation, skin firming, cellular turnaround, moisturizing, skin protecting, non-comedogenic (in fact it’s a zero on the comedogenic scale!) the list is endless to what the benefits are in this little gem. Use around eye area to combat aging, lighten dark spots, moisturize dry chapped lips, use as an all over face balm before your outdoor run in the chilly air to prevent chaffing, night time serum, day time moisturizer, We could go on and on but really you should try for yourself. Start with the little lip balm size, you’ll be hooked, I promise!! We must remind you it’s all natural, so confidently care for your skin, knowing it’s 100% natural, no harmful chemicals.
Proprietary blend of E/O and butters.